Wednesday 12 October 2016

Capstone project (NPC ONEShot comic) 7

Its been a while since I update my process on my comics. Have been working over the holiday to save up some money, but I still work on my comics whenever i can.

Over the holiday I worked on a page.
To test how long does it take to finish 1 page.

I did two version of the page
Anything within the grey box will be in the final product

And also i worked on my rough comic
it didn't turn out as good as i thought... when in the thumbnail stage i noticed the story isn't working in the panel.
everything seem so random!!! I get so much pressure from tryin solve it. But i kept working on it .

as soon as i finished all my rough i put them all together and try to read it. As i thought, thing is not working

At this stage, I remember I used to make simple/ straight forward comics. So I did some really quick thumbnails based on what i already had!

During re-doing all the thumbnail and thing starting to work out the way i wanted to. Then i realized what i did differently compared to last time i drew my thumbnail .

Last time when i do my thumbnail , All i wanted is to make my comic look cool and without realizing it, i'm only making look difficult and confusing .

This time , I'm not making them look too complicate instead I'm making the easy to read. 

Compared to last time , I have put all the panel in the pages so i know what happening in which panel.
This time I drew what happening then i box it up . 

Also this is an other problem, by putting boxes on the pages will set up restriction where my drawing cant go beyond the box. 

by drawing the what i wanted to draw first then put a box afterward. I will have more freedom in my drawing.

These are the quick thumbnails i did.


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