Tuesday 18 August 2015

Self portrait

Had so much fun in acting class! too bad it's the last one. It boost my self confident a lot and help to me to speak up in front of everyone.

It doesn't look like the one in the photo anymore since i have used construction on it.
Last Friday in drawing lesson, I learnt that when doing an accurate lifestill drawing to use construction will make it harder. 
Colour isn't working either... i think my tablet is showing different colour.... 

Monday 17 August 2015

Dialogue 3 progress 2

Up to constructing the character then detail. and its fully inbetween.
will try to colour it as well 

Hey lady :D

Painting on Photoshop based on digital painting demo and everything is in one layer..... and I think I need more layers but I already love what i have done so far.
so some reason the colour on my tablet is different.........

Thursday 13 August 2015

dialogue 3

Animating with my own character.
"You are not dreaming if you're dreaming that mean I'm not real not I'm real."

Rough pass for my animation.

Tuesday 11 August 2015

Red bean

A little project that my friend gave me for his assignment.
change it a little bit and rough sketches 
this little red bean is for children
original drawing

decide to have it bit chubby so kid will like it

Thursday 6 August 2015

Havoc in Heaven_Monkey King_Illustration_Progress Two

This time i used bigger brush and set the colour right
It look cleaner than the last one

Wednesday 5 August 2015

Havoc in Heaven_Monkey King_Illustration Progress

A bit slow working on it with a tiny brush and the detail 
I should speed up a bit more and use bigger brush 
Decided to upload both to see the progress 
The corner of the smoke takes away the focus point from the monkey king's face and losing the flow of the smoke.
The smoke should be a guide of the Monkey King's face or guide the viewer/ audience's eye to move around the painting. And of course there will be something on the blank area.

Tuesday 4 August 2015

Dialogue 2

"When often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it." The dialogue that is given
For me this dialogue sound sad to me

 Everything is still rough but i'm on inbetween now

Havoc in Heaven_Monkey King_Illustration

Today morning class
working on illustration  on Photoshop

I think it take about 2 hours
Still pretty rough and i can start refine it


bad scanner  with my Light and rough  drawing is even worst

Monday 3 August 2015


Had a digital painting demo today and went practicing paint referring from the demo

Not too much for me
huge improve from the previous digital painting but need to improve more!